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Aluminous cement

It is made up of materials including limestone and bauxite, which are the two primary ingredients in aluminous cement. These materials, when heated to incredibly high temperatures turn into solid and dense matter. The process, which is unique to aluminous cement, sets this type of substance apart from the more common limestone and clay or sand-based regular cements. 

It is not just utilized in motor  Aluminous cement can be used to making all divers nature of concrete. Datong high aluminum cement include high-strength concrete that is very hard and can bear a lot of weight or with acid-resistance, which is important in some circumstances. Because of this, it is also suitable for a wide range from small housing to large bridges and even tall skyscrapers. 

The Benefits of Aluminous Cement in Building Materials

One more edge of aluminous cement is that it can fight the effects of fireplace, acid and other sorts acids. As a result it is highly beneficial in areas such as factories and commercial kitchens which can get extremely overheated or messy. This means builders might be able to feel more safe using it in situation where materials are exposed to extreme conditions. 

Also, aluminous cement is environment friendly. This is able to be constructed from scrap metal, aluminum industry off-cuts in a more sustainable way than other building methods. Datong castable refractory cement help to save energy of the buildings because their heat export are lower in winter and their thermal import during summer. This reduces the overall costs of energy involved in using these types of buildings by people. 

Why choose Datong Aluminous cement?

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